Thursday, January 20, 2011

This. Is. Serious.

Captain Awesome took a hit recently. I have to admit, I did not see it coming and it has rocked me a bit. If ever there was a time to be awesome, it is now.

My work was offering free health screenings to all employees. I participated mainly because it would save money on health insurance. After all, I’m pretty healthy. Sure it was the holidays and I had slipped up a bit in the eating department and that regular exercise stuff had been not so regular. And by that I mean none at all. But nothing to get all worked up about.

So I entered the room without much concern.

Then I got on the scale. At first I had to check to make sure nobody else was on it with me. I had not seen that particular number before.

Then they measured my waist. I am going to let you in on a little secret: The number on your jeans does not always match your actual circumference.

I was a little bummed by these results but I know how to fix that. Nothing a little P90X or some road time won’t fix. I just had to chuckle a bit for letting myself get to this point. I say chuckle because there was someone else in the room and I couldn’t very well start weeping.

Then I sat down and they stuck my finger to get some blood to test my cholesterol. Again, not real worried at this point. We chatted about work and about how great it is that these screenings are available.

She also took my blood pressure. It was a little high but heck, it was a bit of a crazy day.

Then the machine came to a stop and she wrote down a number. I asked her if she had dipped the test stick in butter before she put it through the machine. She assured me she hadn’t.

If you don’t know, when it comes to total cholesterol, anything above 200 is in the “borderline high” category. Let’s just say I was north of 200. I don’t mean Vancouver, Washington or even Seattle “North”. More like Ketchikan, Alaska “north”.

Basically I am nearly a solid.

And this is when it stopped being funny.

One of my goals is my goal to expose Blob as the enemy. Blob is the part of us that helps us be less than we should and Blob does not want the best for us. I know he is a pest and I do not like him one bit, but it did not dawn on me that he was trying to kill me.

Blob is out to kill me. And I’m helping.

And there’s a good chance he’s got his hooks into you too.

In general, being healthy is not rocket science. It is not complicated. In this day and age we cannot blame our state of health on lack of information. I think deep down, most everyone knows how to live a healthy life. We know generally what foods to eat and to avoid. We know we should exercise regularly.

It is pretty simple really:

If you eat more calories than you burn…you will gain weight!

If you eat stuff that clogs your arteries…your arteries will clog!

But as is often the case, knowledge does not always equal action. Change is hard. Blob hates change. Change is Captain Awesome’s job.

The battle for a healthier you will be fought inside. Awesome and Blob will duke it out. You will be in the middle being tugged back and forth and you get to choose who wins.

You choose. Every minute. Every day.

It is hard. Donuts taste better than broccoli. Watching TV is easier than running a mile.

Tough! Make a choice!

Let Awesome win more battles and a new you will emerge.

Let Blob win and you die. Early.

Blob has been dominating me as of late. My nutrition habits are lazy. I don’t workout enough…or at all. I am simply not taking care of myself.

I am not being Awesome.

But I don’t want to die early. The warning shot has been fired. I get it.

This is not about how I look at the beach. This is about my life.

I choose to be Awesome.

Are you in?

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