Sunday, October 10, 2010

And so it begins....

Warning: Sarcasm lives here!

Why on earth am I starting a blog?

Well, I have this problem.

See, I really want to be awesome. In the "Wow, I wish I was like him" or “Gosh he sure seems to have it all together” sort of way. I even tried to adopt the name Captain Awesome from that, well, awesome dude on the TV show Chuck. I know only 4 or 5 of you watch that show like I do so let me fill you in. The main character on the show is named....wait for it....Chuck. He was just a regular dude. Well, not exactly just a regular dude because he is a genius. I mean a real one. Like Will Hunting without all the F-Bombs. But, some woman wrecked his life (typical) and he was just floating along working as tech geek. All was well until his best friend, who actually betrayed him, implanted him with all the intelligence from a super secret spy agency. His best friend, in case you missed it was a spy and now Chuck has all this stuff in his head and some people are trying to protect him and some are trying to kill him. And now I realize that I am completely off track because I really want to be a spy and I kind of hope I have a friend who is a spy who will stick really cool stuff in my head. Now THAT would be awesome.
But back the point. Chuck has a sister who has a boyfriend who is actually now her fiancé. Follow that? This boyfriend, Devon (who spells Devin with an "O" anyway?) is this super human doctor-explorer-triathlete dude with perfect hair and a crazy ripped, at least that's what the girls say. His nickname is Captain Awesome.
I liked it and wanted to adopt it as my own. I told my wife and a couple of our friends that I would like to be called Captain Awesome or just Awesome if Captain seemed too formal.

Still not entirely sure why it didn't stick.

Sometimes I am Awesome. Not the "super human doctor-explorer-triathlete dude with perfect hair and a crazy ripped body" part. I mean I haven't even been to medical school. But I do think there are times when I kick butt. Things just click. I am attentive to my wife and focused on my kids. I work hard and play hard and pretty much ooze awesomeness. (It suddenly occurs to me that humility has not been on my radar as criteria for being awesome. Probably need to look into that.)Not perfect mind you, but let me assure you, deep in me beats the heart of Captain Awesome.

that is not the problem.

Sometimes I suck. I have also given that person a name, though not from Chuck. I call this person the BLOB. It usually stands for Boring Lazy Overeater Boy. See what I did there? Anyway, Blob is NOT awesome. At all. Probably can't even spell it. Couldn't find it if he fell in it. Wouldn't know it if it hit him in the face. Wouldn't...well you get the point. Not so good on the husband, father, work or play thing and pretty much ooze crap. I don't like Blob.

that is not the problem.

I see too much of Blob in the world. Blob has moved in with pretty much everyone. I don't think anybody really likes Blob but somehow he has managed to slide his slimy self into every part of our life. He owns us. Ticks me off. I believe that everyone wants to be awesome. You know like "Awesome Rocks, I want to be that". But we settle for less.

We occasionally fake like we are going to change but in the end we give up and once again our awesomeness is hidden; and that is the problem.

Blob must go, or at least be subdued. I am on that quest. Join me if you want, but know this: There will be casualties. I am too serious to always be funny and too funny to always be serious. You have to be willing to buckle up and prepare for rants and laughs. Encouragement and butt kicks. I am quirky and cranky. I am focused and random. Some will hate me and some will like me…and some will do both depending on what I say. I want to make you laugh. I want to make you think. I want us all to be better.

Captain Awesome is coming...

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