Thursday, October 14, 2010

Awesome is...

I figured the next rational step was to try to better define the two sides of this battle. I am not attempting to create the 10 Commandments of Awesomeness or the 7 Deadly Sins of Blob. I just want to create a general theme. I’m no expert so hopefully we can do this together.

This all started for me when I realized I had put on a “few” pounds. It occurred to me that even with all the health, nutrition and fitness knowledge that I have, I simply chose the wrong path. I saw two sides of me. There was a whole bunch of internal dialogue going on…mostly arguments. Yes this is the proverbial battle of good versus evil, flesh versus spirit and a dozen other ways to describe it. That all seemed awfully heavy so I figured a Super Hero vs. Super Villain might be way more fun.

The irony is that I initially set out to do a daily blog about getting back in shape and improving my overall health but Blob helped me procrastinate long enough that it was no longer relevant. Fact is though; this Awesome-Blob battle is in all phases of our life so Blob actually did one thing right!

First of all this is not gender specific. I chose Captain Awesome because I’m a dude and when I think of being called Captain Awesome I actually hear super hero music and I want to save someone. I will use “he” and “him” most of the time. Ladies, feel free to use “she” and her and use names like Queen Awesome, Her Awesomeness or Sheera, Warrior Princess of the land of Awesome, whatever. Make it your own dawg.

The Blob came about because that is what I felt like: A big ol’ blob with no motivation and no real interest in finding any. But I am super creative and came up with Boring Lazy Overeater Boy. Worked for me. That’s what I was at the time. Create your own super creative name or just go with Blob. I don’t think it is a big leap to seeing Blob as a negative thing. Just sounds sucky. Blob. See what I mean?

So here goes.

Awesome has a heart for others. Blob wants his.

Awesome wants great things for you. Blob wants great things for you too, but wants to take credit for them.

Awesome does all kinds of cool things. Not because he has super spy skills but because he is willing to ask how things are done. He is confident enough to say “That is so cool. I want to try, show me how to do it!”
Blob sits on the sidelines of life too prideful to ask for help.

Awesome sees a donut and says, “I love donuts but they are bad for me. Maybe an apple instead.”
Blob sees a donut and says, well, nothing because even Blob doesn’t talk with his mouth full.

Awesome helps push the stalled car out of the road while Blob honks at you to get out of the way.
Awesome is the person you call at 2:00am in an emergency. Blob is on nobody’s speed dial.

Awesome blows it all the time. Then he steps up, takes responsibility, says he’s sorry and makes it right. Blob blows it all the time too, but he blames you for it.

Awesome honestly considers your suggestions because he truly wants to grow. Blob just gets angry. After all, who are you to tell him what to do?

Blob isn’t interested in you…unless he can benefit from you.

Blob hates.

Awesome’s wife never has to ask if she looks pretty because he beats her to the question. She never wonders if he appreciates her, he shows her all the time. Awesome’s husband feels respected and needed. Awesome’s kids don’t need to beg someone to play with them. They have been Candy Landed, army guyed and tea partied out. Blob creates excuses and finds ways out of the games.

Awesome does what he said he would, when he said he would because it is important to someone.

Awesome refuses to let you be less than awesome.

Blob builds traps then builds walls. Blob won’t let you out.

Awesome’s kids are confident and secure. Not in what they can do but in who they are.
Awesome can cry.
Awesome loves to laugh.
Awesome knows how to work hard.
Awesome knows how to unplug.
Awesome wants to be someone’s hero.

You see, Awesome is not about ripped abs or great hair. It isn’t about a cool car or a high profile job. It isn’t about your smarts or your looks. Your “stuff” has very little to do with your awesomeness.

Awesome is found in the heart. It is found in the motivation to live life in a way that makes a difference. Awesome chooses to not settle and it won’t let friends settle either. Awesome knows how to care for self AND others. Awesome gives what it can asking nothing in return.

Awesome is a life lived for others.

Ya…I like that.

These are just some random thoughts scattered on a silly blog.

Now it is your turn. Tell me what you think Awesome is.


  1. Go ahead and post a comment...nothing will jump out of the computer and grab you.

  2. "Sometimes the impossible becomes possible...if you're AWESOME!"
    - Rhino from the movie Bolt

    Love the blog!
